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Does Not Record While Running In Background by Nick
I typically record the sermons in church and take notes while looking up scriptures. So, I start the recording app and then use Word and my bible app during the sermon. This was the first time I used this app on my new ASUS with Win 8 and I was not happy to find out that the recording stopped once I switched to the other apps. I tested this later and sure enough as soon as you switch to another app the recording stops. Not good as I would expect a recording app to record until I say stop.
Not Sure What to Say by Lara
I just downloaded the app today, and was going to use it today. But once I clicked the button to start recording, an unknown error occurred. I tried restarting my laptop and everything, but it was just stuck there. Unbelievable. I hope everyone else had/has better luck with it than I did.
Love it by Ada
It is fast and works. How to save it or delete is tricky. Press the mic till it pops up.
Option to Record While Off Screen by Immanuel
It'd be awesome if it could still record while it's not being used. i.e. running in the background. I take notes in class and use apps in both snaps, so I can't use up space for Voice Record. :(
Didn't Work by Devon
An error message kept appearing every time I tried to use it
It doesn't work. by Joseph
Please take this off the store. It does not work.
Can't record without mic by David
Hate it.