
People also like
The best alarm app! by Matan
This is the first alarm app that I've used in place of the default one and I'm not going back! The developer gets the details right and uses the features of the windows platform very creatively. I love the live tile and lock screen. I love the notifications for next alarm and snooze. Well done!
Great app, and I've got a suggestion by Nilesh
Please make it possible to sync the alarm times to my other devices, such as other phones and my PC. So when I put an alarm on my PC, the alarm syncs between both of my phones.
by Babafemi
Awful tactics. Full version converted to trial. App then made free. And you have to pay again to remove ads. Uninstalled. Had to reinstall to write review and uninstalling again.
Best alarm app I've used by R.
Very functional and easy to use. Would be nice if, when an alarm or reminder goes off, in addition to "snooze" and "dismiss", there is a button called "edit", so I can quickly change to another when alarm goes off. Also a "repeat" button for the Quick Alarms.
It's an oasis in a desert of almost app's by trailmicx
It does what it says it will do, and more. It's easy, entertaining and intuitive. Colorful and it works well with the device's OS . It would be icing on the cake if as a wake up alarm it would, read the weather, daily agenda, and brief news update. That would be a fantastic option.
by Luke
New update shuts the app down if you don't pay. (after 15 days you can't have more than 2 alarms, so it gets 2 stars) I like this app and if the prompt had been for donation I'd gladly do it. I honestly might have already, if the option was there. But forcing people to pay by updating it to be a trial... No cool, developer. Besides, the people who weren't going to pay aren't magically going to now. They'll just find another free app.