OSWindows 10, Windows 8.1
Architecturex86, x64
OSWindows 10, Windows 8.1
Architecturex86, x64
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Lots of Information and Resources AWESOME APP by S L
Would love to see this APP UPDATED with latest Neurological and Neuroscience Updates on this App! RECOMMENDED whether for those who are Caretakers, who have Neurological Medical Conditions, Students, and even Medical Doctors, Surgeons, Nurses will find this APP very HANDY! Very Simple and Easy to use App!
Awesome & very helpful by Tamrin
This is a very helpful app for young doctors. Hope it get updated with latest surgical procedures and technologies used in cutting edge neurosurgery. Thank you developers for this awesome app.
Treasure by Justo E.
For a medical student wishing to become a brain surgeon in a near future, this is a great app to have on my Surface. Thank you, medical developers for supporting the platform.
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