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Limited functionalities and want payment up front?? by mm
Strange days it is, I'm an android pay user and happy with what that got me. But here in windows this app is so limited it is a completely different app. The Chrome extension beats it anyway. I don't mind paying for join as a stand alone app in windows, but with limited functionalities, should at least let join users use it and might help develop it until it is fully functional then charge it. NO?
good pushbullet replacement, needs a design overhaul by talor
first off, this is an amazing app and the developer has done some great work. I switched from pushbullet because join had more features at a better price. However, the ui of the apps aren't perfect, and I often get lost trying to do something. I understand the app is still under development, so I hope this will change. Overall join is a great app though.
Yay! Universal! Boo not phone ready 2/2016 by Alan
As I write this the app is almost just a placeholder for future development, so it's primitive on PC and basically useless on the phone (layout issues/not responsive). Still I'm incredibly pleased by the prospect of a Universal app for Join.