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Too many photos? No problem. Let DoveEye use AI technology to scan through your photos and pick out the best ones. Works for wildlife and bird photographers.
DoveEye automatically groups your photos by scene, and suggests photos to delete based on their sharpness quality. In DoveEye v4.0, performance improvements are mixed with new object-detection based features, improved sharpness estimation algorithms, and much more. Plus, there are new special features bird photographers: Automatic bird species identification and sorting, and more!
Here's whats new in DoveEye:
RAW and RAW+JPEG File Support
Almost every RAW image file is supported, thanks to the ImageMagick library. Use DoveEye on Sony, Canon, Nikon, Samsung, and other cameras!
When JPEG files are available, DoveEye will prioritize these to significantly improve computation time.
Automatic Image Group Detection
DoveEye v4.0 uses a brand-new custom algorithm to accurately group your photos by scene. This helps DoveEye determine the best photos from each group, for ultimate flexibility.
NEW! Object-Detection-Based Image Culling
When you photograph wildlife, the surrounding trees and shrubs are probably not as important as the animal itself. And when you take a photo of a wedding, nothing is more important than the subjects' faces.
This is why DoveEye v4.0 is using a brand-new approach in the industry by implementing an object-detection model as a pillar for the image culling process.
DoveEye will detect key objects - such as animals, birds, or people, and calculate the sharpness of only the regions of the image which are most relevant.
NEW! Custom Sharpness Quality Evaluation
DoveEye v4.0 uses a brand-new, highly customized sharpness evaluation algorithm to determine the quality of the most relevant regions of your image.
NEW! Rule-Based Automatic Image Culling
DoveEye v4.0 features a rich automatic image culling system. You can tailor it precisely to your needs, such as: "Cull the worst 80% of images from each image group, BUT make sure to keep at least 1 image from each group" "Cull images with quality scores above 50 from every group" With this customizability, culling thousands of images can be done in just a few clicks!
NEW! DoveVision BirdAI Beta: Automatic Bird Species Detection
(For Bird Photographers) DoveEye v4.0 will automatically detect the bird species of the birds in your photos. Then, DoveEye can sort your photos into folder by bird species WHILE culling them simultaneously! Never spend another second manually organizing your bird photos.
Still Absolutely Free
Unlike almost every existing solution, DoveEye is absolutely free, with no strings attached. Use DoveEye for 10 photos, or for 10,000 - all features are completely unlocked and free to use. DoveEye has been made by one hobbyist bird photographer, who is currently a student attending college. You can support me by donating.
DoveEye requires 64-bit windows to function correctly. If you have questions, please contact [email protected].