Bell Ringer is for anyone who has ever waited for service where an attendant wasn't to be found and no service bell was handy to call one! It has three bell settings two choose from. Gold is a soft ring that wil get the attention of someone close by. Silver is a buzzer that will draw more attention. Red is an alarm that is sure to get everyones attention. The red alarm also doubles as a panic alarm. If the app is left on the red bell selection it will alarm as soon as the app is opened. Very handy as an alert when you need immediate help from someone nearby. Get the attention you deserve with the Bell Ringer! Visit our website for details and previews of our other apps and games. http://www.silentshoressoftware.com Minor changes in version 1.1 to move selection icons to bottom of screen and fix glich with advert not displaying. Gold bell changed in Version 1.2 to sound less like a ping and more like a bell,as per users request. Changes made in Version 1.3 so you can record your own sound for playback in addition to the three original sounds.