Издатель: FHNW - Institute for Interactive TechnologiesСнимки экрана:
The GEIGER toolbox offers access to a wealth of knowledge and advice for step-by-step improvement of cybersecurity.
Features: * SIngle-push of a button self-assessment * Step-by-step recommendations for improving cybersecurity * Pairing of monitored devices * Sharing of risk score with supervisor * History of events and risk score * Data protection settings
Access to tools: * Montimage Cyberrange for training defence against Phishing * FHNW Mobile Learning for getting introduced to cybersecurity * Kaspersky/Montimage Mobile Security for protecting devices * Montimage Intrusion Detection System for monitoring networks (Western Europe) * DNSC RO-BOOST sensor for monitoring networks (Eastern Europe) * KPMG Chatbot for handling and reporting incidents
The GEIGER toolbox is offered by the Horizon2020 project as a limited BETA trial. By using the toolbox you agree to participate in the research.
By default, the GEIGER toolbox stores your data on your devices and not in a central cloud. You control the sharing of data with the GEIGER researchers.
The GEIGER toolbox is supported by a team of Security Defenders from the Netherlands, Romania, France, and Switzerland. Contact them for a fast response.
Helpdesk: [email protected]