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by George
Please support this developer. The app is being shut down because of lack of support. The guy needs to eat and pay bills. Best News Reader for Windows Phone ever. Buy the app. You know you chumps get the free version and never click through on advertising. And you all love ❤ it. Keep Weave alive!!!
by Jason
Some sites' most recent article are from 2013. Clicking on "view article" open to a broken link. All stories do this regardless of site.
by Ron
This app used to be fantastic. However, for the last two weeks it keeps crashing when trying to open articles. I'm on the Lumia 925 running 8.1.
by Conor
Google seems to block the feed proxy service from working on windowsphone. You can get the opening lines of the article but when you go to open it in the browser any site using the service will not load. It worked great about a year ago now I get fed up by the app and switch to Cortana or direct news apps
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MSN Weather
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MSN Weather
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MSN Weather
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MSN Weather