OSWindows 10
Architecturex64, x86
OSWindows 10
Architecturex64, x86
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Amazing by Christopher
After switching from a Mac over a year or so ago, I missed the print screen option to drag and drop create a screenshot. I started using Greenshot, which worked well, but this hands down blows anything I've tried out of the water. Great job, keep it up.
非常好用的截图应用 by WK
虽然是转制的,但是!好用就行啊!果断五星好评啊! 为啥转制的就只能给四星?不是很懂有些用户。 这是工具类应用,难道不是只要好用并且不流氓就行了么!
I was using it as a win32 app for some time now by Alex
Having been using Snipaste from some time now as a win32 app, seeing it in the Store is one big plus as I don't have to install it or point to it to be able to use it. It's very convenient. That aside, I'm a graphic/website designer so telling you it's one of the best apps available to take screenshots seems like an obvious fact.
哇,竟然转制了。好开心啊! by Yipeng
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