RxRemind simplistic medicine reminder and tracker
Publisher: Softarch TechnologiesScreenshots:
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Useless if you have more than four medications by Jim
I have more than four medications, but I can't add any of the meds that are 'below the fold" because this app doesn't scroll through them and doesn't have a scroll bar to move down the list. What is up with that? If I can't even add my meds, how will it remind me to take them? I have an HP Stream 11 notebook with Windows 10. The app seems to load just fine, but there is no scroll bar when I go to create a reminder and ad medications to the reminder. Also, I can only add one med on each reminder???
Must have by Harshul
really happy to see this app on windows store app. I am also using this app on mobile and it will help me to talk a pill on time. good app for pill reminder and take a pill on time. 5 star rating for GUI.
nice and good app by purav
simple and user friendly app for pill reminder and time tracking app. really loved it.