OSWindows 10, Windows 10 Mobile
Architecturex86, x64, ARM
OSWindows 10, Windows 10 Mobile
Architecturex86, x64, ARM
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Best one by Jonard
Mobile: Well this has everything the best one out there from the rest. Most complete for windows. Thanks guys! PC: the app closes when downloading the reference data and also some search queries don't work
Superb!! by Biplav
Finally an app. we have been waiting for. Rivals the original medscape app. Great work!!
Great app by Adjah
Very useful medical info. I want to buy this app but I live in a country that Microsoft haven't provided a working payment method for app purchase in store. Can you PLEASE make a free version of the app even if the features are limited. I find this very useful but unfortunately all I can give is 5star because Microsoft won't accept debit card as a working payment method in my country. Thanks for your consideration.
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