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Impossible by Jeanette
I converted my files all over to .jpg from .img and the system could still not find my files. I have downloaded a different app from this company so lets see if this one works.
Easy to Use by Patrick
Very easy to use but it crashes a lot. Usually during encoding which is frustrating. I've lost my work a few times.
watermark by Tony YT123
I love this app and all but why not take off the watermark when you finish your video? If you would, I would rate it 5 stars. :)
Can't even try video converter! by Cori
The only thing you can convert videos into is mp4. They don't even give you an option to converting videos into other formats unless you pay for an upgrade. I'm not going to waste money unless I know what I'm buying.
It's alright... by Priscilla
It keeps crashing on me when I want to upload certain video files and doesn't save. It's quite annoying but other than that it works fine