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Errors out on Windows 10 by Bob
Great app for creating live tiles for Steam Games in Windows 8 and 8.1. Windows 10, it does not connect to your steam library, so in effect, this app does nothing in its current state with Windows 10.
does not work. wont connect by Bob
profile has been set to public for years, but this app can't find it. generates a simple code error in the app itself. use something else.
Failed to connect by Matt
I get this error when trying to link my profile: "Failed to connect: Something unexpected happened: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: . Path ", line 0, position 0."
I'm a private dude and this app respects that by Michael
I prefer to keep my account private as I don't enjoy the social aspects of steam. The last steam pinning app I used required me to make it public, which I figured I'd do at first to get the game list and then go back to private. But then every time I launched a game, it'd yell at me that it can't read my profile. This app lets me search and pin games I know I have without having to make my profile public and allows for more customizable tiles. An excellent app.
Does not work by Jeff
Won't work with windows 10 and gives a connection error due to a parsing problem with the url you give to connect to. Obviously if it doesn't work, it isn't worth downloading
Not Working As Advertised by Adam
While another user has commented on there being another, free, application already on the market, Pin Steam brings the ability to use custom images instead of the ones automatically provided. However, after purchasing Pin Steam, I would expect the application to do as advertised and allow me to open the game. It does not. Therefore, I'm giving it a 1/5. EDIT: After looking again, I'm now seeing it's free. In other words, anybody who purchased this app was ripped off of their money since it didn't work. Awesome.
Practical and BS-free by Mark
I got that other free app initially, but it would open separate windows and it was pretty redundant. This app bypasses that, so when you click the tile for the game, the game opens, nothing else.
Keeps telling me to buy the app again by Tim
Win 10 user here. I paid for the app. Trying to launch a game crashed my system. Now every time I try to launch a game from a tile the app tells me I haven't paid. Love the tiles that it makes but if it won't launch the games I want a refund. Also, is there a way to set the tile to launch the game in Steam Big Picture mode? Thanks!