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The best way to analyze web page by Sidik
First time I try this addons, I think it is nothing special, but after going deeper, now I know this addons have all that Google Chrome doesn't. Very smooth, Perfect.
Unfortunately freezes all the time by Shawn
No idea if it's Page Analyzer or Edge that's freezing. But brings the browser to stall yet nothing being reported via task manager on CPU usage.
Very cool by Ricky
It gives me a list of categories that the website follows standard or not, or if there's any missing part that should will be helpful (for example icon specific platform). Will definitely give 5 stars if it includes more in the list and more explanation including more examples.
Severe bug by Ray Browse this results in CPU 100% and memory consumption keeps climbing up till Edge process crashes.
Good start. by Stephen
It's helpful but it could use some refining. In one scenario it said "Incorrect use of prefixes" h1 animation etc. I'm sure it's suppose to actually show up in bold...
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Easy Code Reader
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