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Only needs copy/paste support by Justin
This app is amazing but it's missing one critical feature which is the ability to easily paste in text or images from the clipboard. Seriously, what good is a note-taking app without the ability to paste in external text?
Only notetaking app better than OneNote by Paul
OneNote is difficult to beat. It doesn't do everything perfectly, but it does a *lot* well enough. Other apps tend to focus on one or two features and if those are very important to you, those apps may work better for you than OneNote. However, this app just does so much right that I can't see myself choosing ON to take notes anymore. This is how notetaking should be!
Great, but needs improvement by Will
This is a great app! The handwriting to text feature is almost perfect. There needs to be some changes made to formatting recognition when changing to text though. For example, imagine writing an outline for class with headings marked as "I, II, III" starting at the far left. When I make subheadings like "a, b, c" it would be nice if those subheadings were indented when the handwriting gets converted. Instead, converted text just has everything starting at the far left of the page. If indentations could be recognized, I would use this app for taking notes in all of my classes. For now though, the converted text requires too much after-editing for me to use this app as my default note taking app.
Needs features by Daniel
Great app but needs PDF import, cloud back up and share, zoom in/out and different page lines sizes. I need a NEBO/Onenote hybrid.
Its great but no one note replacement by William
The transcribing is excellent. I like the ideas they have with the diagrams and math. However, it lacks the free form flexibility you get with one note. You can't really mix and match typing, text and sketching. Diagram size is limited. I can't zoom out to get more writing real estate. The app crashed on the first document I tested and the document got corrupted, so all those notes are now lost. And lastly, the app really seems to make the computer work hard and get hot. Overall a very nice attempt. The app may work really well for some people who aren't held back by its rigidity.
Amazing after 1 use by Lily
This is exactly what I was looking for! I have been looking at smart pens, but didn't want to always buy paper. I LOVE how you can add diagrams which is how I take some of my notes, but clearly now!
The most impressive hand-writing recognition by Milad
I am a mathematician, I write a lot and I really needed an app that is capable of properly recognizing handwritten formulas. Such an application could save tons of time. There has been MyScript MathPad application for many years on Apple Store, but I could not find any on Microsoft Store. I was quite desperate and I almost bought an IPad just because of that app. Now, I am so happy that I can use the same engine on Miscrosoft Windows which is my favorite platform. I hope that MyScript keeps updating and improving this application. Thank MyScript for this wonderful, productive application.