Mr. Pillster - pill reminder & medication tracker
Publisher: WhisperArts
( 32 Reviews )
License: Free
OSWindows 10, Windows 10 Mobile
Architecturex86, ARM
OSWindows 10, Windows 10 Mobile
Architecturex86, ARM
People also like
No good by jett
Wont load .
Can't add medications just annoying ads by Bill
I can't add medications I keep getting a pop up ad to buy this app. So this app is not Free. Don't use this app waste of time. There are better truly free apps out there. This is not one of them. User Beware.
Seems to be working Well by James
I like this app, haven't had any issues with it the only thing I don't like is that you gotta pay to have the ads removed. I like that you can set alarms to remind you to take your medicine. It comes in handy when you have to take pills four times a day
About Mr. Pillster - pill reminder & medication tracker
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