OSWindows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 8.1
OSWindows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 8.1
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Kind of works as promised by David
Well, it works as a basic authenticator. I do from time to time receive push notifications with a simple accept option, the only problem is it never actually works. It says the service is no longer synchronized when I approve it. If you could get push authentication to actually work, integrate with my LastPass ID to synchronize my account across devices, and support Azure enterprise; we'll have an actual contender to SaasPass
Makes authentication easier by Sergio
Great app, works as advertised! I thought requiring a secondary/backup text message number was a great touch just in case you ever lose your phone.
Good start. Awaiting for features by Levan
Good news is that LastPass Auth. comes to Windows. Bad news is that it is not multiplatform yet, as can not sync. between devices. Hope this feature would come soon.
About LastPass Authenticator
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