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Great Cross-Platform Manager But Updates Needed by Bill
We use LastPass across Windows and Apple devices: Windows Phones, iPhones, Surface 2 and iPads. Always have our passwords available. But . . . the Edge extension does not yet have feature parity with other browsers and it shows in usability and convenience. Looking forward to an update soon. We would like to see the Edge extension updated so that (1) user ID is sticky (LP extension doesn't save it even when the box is checked) (2) more easily copy user IDs and passwords for sites and (3) be accessible from the favorites bar.
Doesn't Compare to other LastPass Apps by Nick
I'm a huge fan of LastPass but this Windows app is horrible. It won't allow you to easily copy and paste into other applications. There is no way to auto-fill other applications. Also, I don't know why it tries to be a browser too. Let google, ms, and Mozilla handle the browsers. You handle my passwords.
Not as good as the browser version by Randall
I don't really like this version, the Windows Store app. After I'm logged into my vault, my multi-step authenticator gets triggered even when I can already access my vault. I also am not a fan of how the search feature works in this version. Personally I think the iOS and web browser versions are far superior to this app.
Best interface available = Windows Store app by Andy
I've used LastPass via web browser, Android app, and also the PC software called "LastPass for Applications". Today I installed this LastPass app on the Windows Store (Windows 10 here). I like this version best out of all the above. Because I use long randomly generated passwords for things such as Office 365 and QuickBooks, I've been annoyed by the web version because I'd have to find my selection, click on Edit icon, unhide the characters of my password, select all of it, CTRL-C or right-click-copy, then paste into my login screens. In THIS app, I can simply log in, right-click my list item, click the button below "copy password" and be on my way. The layout is also easier to navigate. The only thing I wish it had was a button for "random password generator", and also add it to the "add site" form. Why wouldn't they offer to generate a secure password?! At any rate, I'm still VERY pleased with this nice app.
Great for Seniors! by Cara
It helps me remember my zillions of passwords!! I am 77 and don't like to drive all over the city, so I do a lot of shopping on line. This is my backup brain!
Great service, ok app by Patrick
I have been using LastPass for about a year now, and I love the service. The browser extensions make using LastPass stupid easy. The app for Windows, however, is in need of some updates. The lack of a top menu for common functions like adding a site, or generating a password makes for a clunky user experience. The browser that's embedded in the app is a nice concept, but is rather slow as well.