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the best stuff in life is free by Unknown
I am a former touring musician and touring manager. ive been to all 50 states and have so many different styles of mapping / gps sogtwares and this one taker the cake
Sisters House, Shenandoah Texas by Scarlett
I like the navigation. It helps me to get from point A to point B.
YOU WIN by Wilber
I'm trying to figure it out and every time I try something I get asked to rate you. You wore me out so I'll just delete it and try something else.
Ugly, inaccurate, covers map with clickbait ads. by Daniel
Failed to show my true GPS location. Moving from one room in a house to another made the location shift several houses away. Insultingly dumb clickbait ads lined the top of the screen. I need accurate GPS navigation and a clean digital map unobscured by the anti-information of cheap, deceptive clickbait.
Wonderful and Quick by Melba
its quick and easy to use. gave me the information I needed in a matter of seconds. would recommend this app to anyone who has problems navigating.
Great planning device by J
Great way to get an idea of routes and times for driving.