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Geoision App by Duane
We are pleased to see this app for our 11 camera system. We were also able to use TeamViewer with the Multiviewer, but not as clear as this app. We would like to be able to store a few IP addresses for our home Wi-Fi as well as remote. Nice App!!
Garbage RIP OFF by Chad
Not compatible with my computer. Other sites won't let you purchase, but not these THEIVES!!!! Filing fraud if my money is not refunded.
Geovision DVR by Martin
All works perfect, nice soft. Thanks,
good app but lot of lag by Chinmay
I like the app. I would have given it a 5 star but the lag on the video is just too much. If they fix this lag then I wouldn't mind. Even the video on crome is better and lag isn't there.
EL STINKO by William
I bought this product and downloaded it because windows 10 will not talk to my DVR. And USG's CCTV apps are antiquated to say the least like win 3.0. I really like the way your DVR product looks. What do I have to do? H. 265 4tb HD/DVR , and a intel DCP3941T connected by Ethernet cable. The bloat ware USG piled on like one size for all works but it scares me. HELP.