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Just make an Amazon Video/Music App already by Brian
Lets be real, if I want to shop I'll go to your website but if I want to consume media (Video, Music, Books) then I'll want an app. While you're at it add an offline mode for consuming videos and music through your app, doing this would put you ahead of Google and add consistency between your platforms
What happened to the music app?! by Nikki
This app is cool, but I cannot listen to my music collection on Amazon Prime. There used to be an "app" for that, but it stopped working. Please bring it back!
C'mon Man!!!!! by Jason
That's what I would like to say to Amazon. I like their service and give them money often but I guess a few million customers is not enough to keep their old serviceable running and instead they dropped this piece of garbage on us. I love windows phone and don't plan on switching but now instead of scanning an item in the store and ordering it from amazon if I like the price I guess I will just buy it in the store. I guess the silver lining is I am supporting local business more. Try to be a little forward thinking. Windows 10 is here to stay. Make a real UWP app for the millions of phones, computers, and tablets that run Windows. If you take away my Audible app it will be on like Donkey Kong.
It was decent when it was an actual app by Jake
As the title suggests, this is not an app and is not intended to be used as one... Or at all. Amazon announced a couple months back that they were pulling their app from the Windows Store and this is what they left in its stead. A garbage web wrapper. I really wish Amazon would put in the time and bring their app to Windows Store along with Prime Video streaming like they have for Android. I will say that even when this was an actual app it was a bit mediocre. It hadn't been updated in ages, was poorly optimized, and was a bit buggy at times. It was useable though and was at least an app, unlike this. I hope they bring a new app to UWP but I'm not holding my breath.
pls add support for prime instant video... by md imran
Expect a lot more from amazon....
Semi-functional by John
Unless you just want to buy stuff, you may as well skip it and go straight to Can't check order status in app and it redirects you go the web site when you access functions like wish lists anyway, so it's usefulness is extremely limited.
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