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by rakif
I've never rated an app before but this one I had to giv 5 wow but u can make it better after the lock screen it start from the main page it would be better if it starts for were you left it but really great
by Ricardo
NEVER Download!!!!!
Holy crap! Did fate want me to recommend this app? by Joer'ct
This app I so easy to use a 3 yr old could use it. Its the best app I've found so far for playing/ downloading music. Great job! Keep it up! The info for the song is also useful, too!
Excellent overall app by Tyler
I can easily find music I want and it includes album art. The player and interface is very easy to use.
by Josef
Used to work now crashes ever time I try to use search
by Rodrigo
Any current music app, next to Musicus, is an old artifact from the past. Great work developers! REVIEW ON 10/05/2016: The app is so beautiful! Everything is in its right place! Check out full screen mode! If you care to consider, please add Podcast feature; add scrolling lyrics; add youtube videos integration. Developers, thank you so much for so much hard work to make this a perfect music player! You should make this a paid app, or add features such as those mentioned as a paid add-on. Keep up the good work! Thank you!