People also like
by markeisha
Pretty good player I like the customizable interface and all, but really why can't I create a playlist? Really annoying these windows apps. Like are you not in competition with apple and android?? Step your development game up. I had high hopes for you.
by User
Do not donate,it will not remove adds❗
by User
Its a nice app, but when I play a song or press shuffle, it'll only play the artist songs who I first pressed
by Adam
The functionality takes a little getting used to but all in all a great music player. Most importantly, it fills in where Xbox music app fails miserably: playing the Music on your phone and SD card while offline(which I own the rights to). No authenticating or any other nonsense. Lightweight music player, period.
by Duy
No option for playlist? Fail.. It also has a small lag which I can over look. But it's very limited on options.
Great app! by John
First impression very good,simple and it has all of music from different application. One of the the very best music apps out there. Small but great! Thanks!
by Travis
Sleek design and fun to test the features but not a standalone app and still a lil buggy. Hoping for a final premium release or a fixed functional music player with skins.
by Brandon
Change the live tile and add support for Windows phone 8.1 transparent live tile. Seriously, the live tile is hideous.