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100 Push Ups by Tim
Very nice ,however I would like a little sound to keep up on track in between sets.
Maybe as a added workout by Eric
Great app at first. Saw great improvement and was excited to have found it. Unfortunately, when you're unable to complete the workout, it doesn't accept a lower number and change the workout to meet your ability.
A beautiful interface by King
Very challenging but very rewarding. I was sore for 3 days after my first training.
Really productive! by Rocky
Not guna lie, I thought this app would be mediocre, but I love it! It helps me improve day by day and I can honestly see results. Great and very simple app.
T9Zeus by Tony
Not bad, but the trainer should have different sets, according to age and fitness level.
very good app by Iptihar
you could adjust the amount as you want and make a good training plan from this app, just do it, for your health it worth then.
Good, but needs more info by Shane
Really needs some documentation about the program and how to adapt it if you don't keep up with the plan. It gives you a series of 5 sets each workout day, with the last set being the toughest (because it's both the most reps and comes after the other four). It also varies rest times between sets (60s one day, 90 the next, then 120, then back to 60). The whole progression is great, but I had an off day after another workout and didn't finish the set. What now? The app doesn't appear to have a way to handle a break in the progression.
Ok but goals are a little too much too rapidly. by james
Too tough but I'm only in the 5th workout. I input the max number I could do in the beginning with good form and the program they put forth for me allows me to barely or even fall short of the goal of the 4th set. I don't even come close to completing the minimum amount for the 5th set. It does work in that I am stronger but that may be from just doing pushups vs not doing anything at all.