Sensavis delivers interactive digital learning tools for teachers and students. With visual models to activate learning, teachers are more effective, students are more engaged, and learning is more inclusive.
TEACH Bring all students into the learning process. Teachers can use visual models in the classroom to simplify and analyze complex concepts in biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, geography, engineering, and more. Capture their attention and increase engagement.
CREATE Create personalized educational videos. Add your voice and text using built-in recording and inking features to enrich the teaching materials.
ACTIVATE Activate the learning process. Students transform from passive consumers to active producers. Working directly within the app, students can explore the material and collaborate with their peers. With the knowledge they've gained, they can create their own videos to share and learn from each other.
START YOUR FREE TRIAL Download the app for your classroom today, or contact us about a license for yourself, your school, or your district.
KEY BENEFITS • Make learning fun and exciting. • lnclude all students in the learning process to help them reach their full potential. • lncrease interest and understanding of complex subjects. • Remove barriers for students that struggles with reading and comprehending large amounts of text. • Spark an interest among teachers to use digital tools more effectively.
For more information, please visit us at or contact us at [email protected]