The Oxford-Paravia Italian Dictionary is the most complete and up-to-date Italian dictionary available. The dictionary covers over 300,000 words and phrases, 450,000 translations, and captures idiomatic, colloquial, spoken, and written language in both Italian and English. Incorporating phrasefinders and cultural information, the dictionary serves both as an authoritative work of reference and as a dynamic passport of both cultures. Convenience and Easy-access Layout
* More than 300,000 words and phrases and 450,000 translations * The most complete and up-to-date coverage available * 7,000 most frequently used words in both languages are highlighted to help users learn essential vocabulary * Quick-reference verb tables, grammar notes and vocabulary lists on topics such as seasons, rivers, sports, and more * Hundreds of new words including all the latest vocabulary, as well as specialist EU terminology * Lively and interesting cultural notes give an insight into life in Italy
A search tool
Featuring autocomplete search to help you find words quickly by seeing search predictions that might be similar to the search terms you're typing. The search also allows various search options as:
* A ‘fuzzy filter’ when you are not sure of the correct spelling of a word * A ‘keyword’ search for finding key words within compound words * A wild card search function ('*' or '?') which can replace a letter or entire parts of a word.
A learning tool
The dictionary app includes a number of features which help you to grow your vocabulary further: * A ‘Favorites’ feature allows you to create your own categories and lists of words from the extensive library, which includes all cross-curriculum words * History list to help you easily review the last visited words. * See words in context with example sentences
A mobile dictionary application from MobiSystems with content from Oxford University Press.