FocusTodoMatrixPro is an intelligent task manager based on the four-quadrant rule. Created by Dwight Eisenhower, the 34th President of the United States, the Law is a personal efficiency strategy. This rule uses a special priority matrix, which groups tasks into groups according to their urgency and importance, allowing you to complete the day's agenda with maximum efficiency.
The app can help you focus on important events and remove work that can be passed on to someone else or postponed.
FocusTodoMatrixPro helps you focus on important events, grouping tasks according to their urgency and importance, allowing you to complete your day's planning with maximum efficiency.
FocusTodoMatrixPro contains by default 4 important parts: 1- Urgent and Important 2- Important not urgent 3- Urgent not important 4- Not urgent not important Correct assignment of tasks will help you meet all your tasks on time and organize your workflow with ease!
Main features: Customize your quadrant groups to develop a priority matrix that works best for you. Customize the content and colors of the four quadrants. custom labels. Each task can be associated with multiple subtasks. Tasks in the four quadrants can be moved to other quadrants, for example: quadrant 1 to quadrant 3. Count the number of subtasks associated with each task. Count the number of completed tasks for each task. Unfinished and completed tasks are displayed independently. Completed tasks can be changed to incomplete. You can share task information to other applications, such as: Outlook, Notes, etc. More features are in development.