Dolch sight words is a list of frequently used English words compiled by Edward William Dolch. Between 50% and 75% of all words used in school books, library books, newspapers, and magazines are a part of the Dolch basic vocabulary. It is a famous word list to be assigned for memorization in American elementary schools.
In this app, all 300+ Dolch words are categorized into 5
Pre-primer: 4 lists, each has 15 words (60 words in total) Primer: 4 lists, each has 15 words (60 words in total) Grade 1: 4 lists, each has 15 words (60 words in total) Grade 2: 4 lists, each has 15 words (60 words in total) Grade 3: 4 lists, each has 20 words (80 words in total)
For each word, an dynamic card shows in lower or upper case and offers sound by both female and male reader.
It includes lots of spelling and fill in exercise,