Train VR is your ultimate Virtual Reality Train that will take you around the world.
Explore the world on your Virtual Train through Explore World option. * Holiday Wonderland: Take a ride across snow and mountain * Desert Safari: Visit the Pyramids and the tallest tower in the world * Silk Route: This route takes you right to the Great Wall of China * Maya Empire: Turn the clock back and experience the Mayan Empire * Industrial Revolution: Stream Engines were key part of the Industrial Revolution
Your Train Fleet: With 6 different trains at your disposal you can take on any challenge. Your train fleet includes: 1. Passenger Train 2. Trolley Car 3. Lumbar Train 4. Flatbed Train 5. Oil Tanker Train 6. Container Train
Build your Railroad Empire Why to just go through prebuilt routes when you can make your own Railroad empire. Build your own Railroad by adding variety of tracks and objects available at your fingertips.
Train Operation: Train Control Panel is your one stop solution to control all train operations. Some of the controls 1. Start: Use this control to start the train 2. Gear: Use this control to change train's speed 3. Stop: Use this control to stop the train 4. Windshield Camera: This provides the view from Engine room 5. Refill Fuel: Use this control to refill coal and water 6. Load/Unload cargo: Use this control to load and unload cargo from train Menus: 1. Explore World: Use this menu to explore different railroad setup 2. Build Empire: Use this menu to build your own railroad 3. Change Train: Use this menu to switch between trains 4. Settings: To view settings 5. Help: To view the help