beeline uz kodlari

by Ellison
Related App or Game

( resouces: beeline uz kodlari )

· · ·. ??????? ????? ?????????! --> ?????? ?? ??? ?????? ?????; --> ???????? ?????????? ????????-???????; --> ??????????? ???? ??????? ? .

Beeline Uzbekistan is that official mobile application from Beeline Uzbekistan for smartphones! You no longer need which can memorize codes and operator short numbers!.

– Shuni ma'lum qilamizki, internet-trafik balansi, paketlar va tariflar uchun daqiqalar va SMS-xabarlar, shuningdek boshqa qo'shimcha xizmatlar uchun ma'lumot .

Yaqinlaringiz va do'stlaringiz uchun trafik yetarli emasmi?! Daqiqalar yoki megabaytlarni ulashing! O'zbekistonda ilk bor – faqat Beeline abonentlari uchun .

Aloqa operatori Beeline abonentlari uchun mahsus foydali telefonlar haqida eslatib o'tadi, ushbu telefonlarga qo'ng'iroq qilib yoki so'rov .

Abonent qurilmasining IMEI-kodini qanday . Yangi mobil qurilmani sotib olishdan oldin uning IMEI kodlari ro'yxatdan o'tganligini tekshirish tavsiya etiladi.

The followings IDs are called HNI (Home network identity). The Beeline Carrier From Uzbekistan is denoted by codes: 434 04. This code is created by the .

The Beeline carrier from Uzbekistan is denoted by codes: 434 04. This code is created by the . The followings IDs are called HNI (Home network identity).

03L. 03L. D. 01A. Xalqaro telefon kodlari. O. X. O'zbekiston telefon kodlari. S. 01A. S. O. 02E. 04P. 05T. 05T. Ya. X.. 04P. 02E. 06Ch. K. K. D.

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  • beeline uz kodlari

    · · ·. ??????? ????? ?????????! --> ?????? ?? ??? ?????? ?????; --> ???????? ?????????? ????????-???????; --> ??????????? ???? ??????? ? .

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