Picture Opener is a cool image viewer and converter. It supports more than 170 formats of image. Printing, Saving As and Batch-Converting need to purchase the add-on($2.99). And over 157 video formats are supported. It has three features: 1.Open single image. 2.Open folder to preview the images in a gallery. 3.Batch convert images to a format as you want. Such as jpg, jpeg.(This feature will be opened in the next version )
The Viewer: 1. Zoom in and zoom out the image as you want. 2. Drag and drop the image to see part of the content. 3. Open next image just one-click. 4. Delete the image from disk just by one-click. 5. Save as the image to the format you want. 6. Preview images from a folder. 7. Rotate the image. 8. Print the image.
Batch Converter: 1. Select images as many as you want. 2. Choose the format you want to save as. 3. Change the saving path. 4. Batch convert just by one-click. 5. See the converting status of every image. 6. Enjoy the fast converting.
The list of supported formats is as follows: PDF;heic; svg; svgz; ttf; tiff; tif; tga; svgz; bmp; jpg; jpeg; png; gif;jp2;ppm;nef;svg;arw;crw;bmp2; threefr; threeg2; threegp; a;arw;avs; b; bgr; bgra; bgro; bmp; bmp2; bmp3; c; cal; cals; canvas; caption; cin; clip; cmyk; cmyka; cr2; crw; cur; cut; dcm; dcr; dcx; dds; dfont; dib; dng; dpx; dxt1; dxt5; epdf; epi; eps; epsf; epsi; ept; ept2; ept3; erf; fax; file; fits; fractal; ftp; fts; g; g3; g4; gif; gif87; gradient; gray; graya; group4; hald; hdr; heic; hrz; http; https; icb; ico; icon; iiq; inline; ipl; j2c; j2k; jng; jnx; jp2; jpc; jpe; jpeg; jpg; jpm; jps; jpt; k; k25; kdc; label; m; m2v; mac; map; mask; mat; mef; miff;mng; mono; mpc; mrw; msl; msvg; mtv; mvg; nef; nrw; null; o; orf; otb; otf; pal; palm; pam; pango; pattern; pbm; pcd; pcds; pcl; pct; pcx;pdfa; pef; pes; pfa; pfb; pfm; pgm; pgx; picon; pict; pix; pjpeg; plasma; png; png00; png24; png32; png48; png64; png8; pnm; ppm;ptif; pwp; r; radialgradient; raf; ras; raw; rgb; rgba; rgbo; rgf; rla; rle; rmf; rw2; scr; screenshot; sct; sfw; sgi; six; sixel; sr2;stegano; sun; text; tga; tif; tiff; tiff64; tile; tim; ttc; ttf; txt; uyvy; vda; vicar; vid; viff; vips; vst; wbmp; wpg; x3f; xbm; xc; xcf; xpm; xv; y; ycbcr; ycbcra; yuv;emf; exr; flif; wmf; webp