Are you a Job Seeker looking for a Nearby Job, or an Employer looking for a suitable person? Download Local Job Market.
Any Employer can create a Profile specifying Company Name, Logo, Location, Industry, and Contact Info. Then post any job offering describing the offered job's Title, Job Role, Needed Experience, Working Months, Working Days, Working Period, Age Category, Education Level, Skills, and other Info by optionally including a PDF Job Description.
Any Job Seeker can create a profile specifying Name, Photo, Location, Contact Info, Education Level/Obtained Certificates, Gender, Marital Status, Birth Date, Previous Experiences, Preferred Working Months, Days, Hours, Languages, Industries and other info by including a PDF CV file.
The Job Seeker can search for jobs that match his/her profile within a specified distance, and Apply for any job, and the App will notify the Employer of any Job Applicant.
The Employer will receive notifications from Applicants, can search for Candidate Job Seekers satisfying the criteria, and can decide to Invite a Job Seeker to Apply for a certain Job Posting.
The App will keep track for the Job Seeker's Applications, and Invitations, and the Employer Job Posting, Applications and Invitations.
The Employer can contact a Job Seeker who Applied to a Job Posting, and a Job Seeker can contact an Employer who Invited him/her to Apply.
The Local Job Market App uses the Job Seeker Profile, to Match it with one or more Employer Profiles and Job Postings highlighting Compatibility, and Incompatibilities for better decision making.
It uses the Mobile Phone GPS location to limit the Search within a certain specified distance, and the Google Maps to show the Job Postings/Job Seekers location on the map.
It's a Globally Available App that Serves a very Local Market as it only Matches Job Seekers to Close-By Employers.