Fabulous photos from Bing are released every day, and they are perfect for lock screens and wallpaper.
Daily Wallpaper Viewer displays the Bing photos for the last month along with the information of each photo in a simple categorized way. It is the most feature rich application of it's kind on the Windows 8 Store to date.
You can switch between the different Bing regions, and display local photos for Germany, China, Japan, France, and more. All the regions languages are supported.
Search for specific photos if you want, download multiple photos to your picture library, share them by mail or SkyDrive, or even set them as your Windows 8 lock screen.
Downloading photos to your computer will store the photo's information as well, so you can search for them locally later if needed.
Daily Wallpaper Viewer is perfect for laptops, ultrabooks and tablets. It is multi-touch capable with pinch-zoom and flipping support, and it has been optimized for different screen sizes and orientations.
You can snap the application to the side, and still get a great layout.
Daily Wallpaper Viewer also has a live tile, which updates daily to show you a preview today's new picture.
You will also get a lock screen notification, showing you the number of new pictures you haven't seen since the last time you launched the app.
Look out for even more features coming up soon!
Note: Bing is a copyright owned by Microsoft. This app is not developed by nor endorsed by Microsoft.