Ugaritic texts from the 14th century BC to the destruction of the city 1180/1170 BC are testifies. Thus, Ugaritic was written in one of the oldest known alphabets. The alphabet is based on the Proto-Sinaitic (Old-Aarabic / Proto-Semitic) alphabet from the 17th century BC and was writen in cuneiform adopted from Mesopotamia.
Among other things, the app contains the following functions: - Overview of the alphabet - Detailed information on the letters including examples in Ugaritic, Arabic and German/English. - A small dictionary with over 300 items. - Quiz in various forms to practice the learned letters (e.g., Latin-Ugaritic, Ugaritic-Latin, Ugaritic-sign-name. - Editor with different keyboards to write Ugaritic. The text can be copied and used in other applications. - Some brief information about the language, religion, city and alphabet. - Language selection: Z.Z. German, English and Arabic - Learning statistics can be viewed and reset.