Drooone is a uwp app that it operates the toy drone "tello". Not just iPhone or Android, I have developed for who want to operate on windows 10 devices.
It's possible to control by keyboard or touch panel and voice recognition, XBOX controller too. Also It receives live stream data and show it, save to a mp4 file.
Using a headset, it's possible to operate hands-free. (It's notified warning messages for the battery or temperature.... by voice synthesis.)
If you have a Windows MR device, Try to control by voice recognition in a VR space. You will be able to experience world of MR(Mixed Reality).
Drooone has been developed using only officially published sdk. Therefore it has been depended on limits of the sdk.
Tello EDU and ARM64 have been supported version 1.1.3 or later.
Notes: Tello: Firmware version: SDK version:
Tello EDU: Firmware version: SDK version: It doesn't correspond command of "wifi ssid pass" now.
If you want to use voice recognition using your country language, its language needs to be supported by Microsoft.