Silence hangs in the room : Michael's long time love affair with a 4/4 beat transcends into an almighty sax driven arrangement that oozes charm and melancholy seductiveness from the get go. His penchant for delivering individual tracks with a sound of their own and of the utmost quality is displayed right here. The term 'Classic' is a hammered word in this game, but you get what we mean.
Schizotypal : Notches up the bpm and utilizes his knowledge of the sounds of the 808. This transforms into a fanfare of meticulous percussion structure, taking in Rhodes and shakers, ending in a world from the outer reaches. Pure muddy field jobby this.
Magical thinking : Bubbles along at a slow pace with static noise and uses empty space to amazing effect, MJC creates a trip for the heads and magical thinkers alike, a proper psychedelic get down. A magical thinker indeed! (Stirs your brain with a fork)
Track List
Magical Thinking Schizotypal Silence hangs in the Room