Do you like to drive tanks over rugged terrain, lob artillery shells into the far hills, and blow up lethal opponents lurking around every bend? If so, then Tank Ace Free could be the game for you.
The goal of each round of play is to clear the enemy from a map sector and drive them off the far bank of a river so that your side can cross and advance. Skills you will need to accomplish this are a working trigger finger, the ability to navigate east or west, and driving ability sufficient to crash into other vehicles.
A status panel shows the number of enemies left, rounds remaining, fuel, and armor strength. The last three can be replenished by ramming (not shooting) an enemy truck. If you run out of fuel or armor, or for some reason drive your tank into the water, in addition to an untimely death you will be forced to retreat one sector. If you wipe out the enemies you will advance one sector, retaining any excess supplies you have scavenged. The game ends when you take the enemy capitol, or they overrun yours. Either way the brass will want to have a talk with you.
This free version plays one level of the full game, Tank Ace Reloaded, and contains advertising.