OSWindows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 8.1, Windows Phone 8
OSWindows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 8.1, Windows Phone 8
People also like
by Richard
Not enough locations for Maryland !! Only offer Ocean City?? What about the rest of us in Southern Maryland & Chesapeake Bay!!!!
by Peter
Almost useless for San Diego county surfers
Yeah by Phil
Very nice looking app
by Christopher
Really poor selection of tide areas in Washington state.
by Wayne
One very important bit of information is left out. We need to know sea level in feet.
by George
The simplistic design allows me to quickly gauge if it's going to be a good day. The forecast feature is simple and to the point. Little to no learning curve if you already understand wave dynamics. Just love it.
by Earl
Should be called surf, not tide. Better for surfers, not good for boaters. Should be able use your current location, but doesn't.
by Alethea
Please include more breaks in San Diego.
About Tide
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