OSWindows 10, Windows 8.1
Architecturex86, x64
OSWindows 10, Windows 8.1
Architecturex86, x64
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More about Washington by Matt
This app is really good on giving information about what is happening in the white house, but I believe that it could be better if they put in information about all of the new in Washington, and decisions made in Congress, and in the White house.
Unofficial and ill-conceived by Unknown
If you are a White House app, shouldn't you open with a picture of the White House, not the Capitol Building. I didn't go further. That said it all to me.
Malware by Shirley
Beware a vast ati virus reports as malware and won let it install
Good app by Stephen
Had some bugs at first, but seems to be working fine now.
About The White House
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