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by Preston
Interface is a bit weird and pics load slowwwwwwwwww
by Dan
Awesome app! I have loved it all season. Only wish the large logo on top of the featured stories would scroll away when i scroll to select content.
by Russ
I wish it supported trick play and skipping around in the videos. Otherwise highly recommended for a Seahawks fan.
by Mark
Lots of good Seahawk info and stats but it's also a reminder of how ugly android apps are. Needs to be given the Windows Phone treatment.
Unreliable services ruin a good app. by Jerry-rigged
The app is good: nice, simple, straightforward. But the services it relies on are so unreliable that most of the time on game days it doesn't have any info to display. Just a constant loading icon.
by Robert
Good app but currently busted. Needs updating asap. Scores are wrong and UI layout wonky. Hopefully the developer can fix soon. Oct 7 update: Problem with scores fixed. Really good app.
by Kevin
At the game last night, they promoted this app on the big screen as being able to track all of your fantasy football players. So, I tried it out on the spot, but it doesn't seem to work. I can only add one player at a time. Love the Hawks, but the app is kind of clunky overall. Update this to a proper WP8 modern app and it would be killer (Live tiles, etc.).