OSWindows 10, Windows 10 Mobile
Architecturex86, x64, ARM
OSWindows 10, Windows 10 Mobile
Architecturex86, x64, ARM
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Too many adds by Jay
How can I DJ if the ads won't stop showing up. And I'm on the computer and I can't skip. Ads pop up every minute.
Too many adds! by Kayla
There are too many adds to the point it's annoying and they happen in the very middle of playing with it!
if you do not like adds by jonathon
if you hate comertals when you hook up a audio jack thesolution is as follows for pc- disable internet connections. for mobal -turn of data and or internet access then hook up youre device to Bluetooth speaker or an audio jack heading to A audio device. it is what I alwase do.......
About Remix Master - Mix Your Music
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