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Marvelous by ASIF
It has Arabic big font easy to read. I love this App. Thanks
Great app! by Nor Rahmah
Clear text, big fonts makes this Quran app easy to read. Was looking for translation, but couldn't find it. Please have various translations for next version upgrade. Jazakallahu khairan to the team. May Allah reward your efforts.
Excellent by Bijak Riyandi
Loving the app. Ayah are clear, translations correct. Stability could be better, though. Unlike WP8 version, there's way too many loading of pages even after I downloaded the necessary files. Jazakumullahu khairan :)
Persian translation by Hossein
Please add Elahi Ghomshei or Makarem Shirazi for Persian translation because the current one is not accurate and trustworthy.
Jazakum Allah Khair by Thaer
As great as the Android app. But I wish that I can use the Arrows in the keyboard to scroll Down and Up or change the page Left and Right. Please consider doing this, may Allah rewards you lots and lots of hasanat and double your rewards in this Ramadan.
Best Quran app by Aladdin
This is the best Quran app on all platforms, including android and windows.. May Allah bless the developers and reward them greatly.. Thanks :) Update: Search doesn't work on Windows 10 version that needs to be fixed asap please..
Alhamdulillah Best Qur'an application. by Ahmad Abubakar
Best Application on Windows store.
Surah was crashed by Mohga
I just updated the last version, and now when I open surah the app automatically crashes and gets me out!! Pls solve that problem ☹. Also it needs to translate name of Surah to Arabic in the menu. The app provides Ana option of language you prefer but it doesn't work!