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NOT READY FOR WINDOWS 10! Still solid though.. by Emmanuel
Great Nook APP. HOWEVER! Ever since I upgraded to windows 10 I cant read entire pages. The sentences get cut off or the application doesn't allow you to scroll downward to see the rest of the lines or content. I'm using the application on my PC. I still haven't upgraded my tablet from windows 8 to 10 so I'll continue using that in the mean time but this is a major bummer! If you have Windows 10 Its probably best you DO NOT download since you wont be able to read all of your paid content. Wait for the next patch or update from nook saying that it has fixed the issue for Windows 10 users. I give this app a 4 star because it really is good and hopefully once its been updated it will stay that way. I didn't give it 5 stars because of that issue plus it occasionally lags when trying to highlight or make adjustments to your notes. Again Solid app, just needs to be updated asap for the millions that probably read or use it.
Windows 10 FAIL by Kaylan
My actual Nook device was broken a couple of months ago and I LOVED this app because I was able to access my Nook Library of over 6 years from the app on my 2in1 Laptop. SUPER CONVENIENT! Then I decided to upgrade to Windows 10...there is no way to read a book on this thing now! I am not sure if B&N or Windows need to do the fix but it needs to get done ASAP. From what I am reading...EVERYONE is having this problem. Put the app on Windows phone while you're at it!
Still No Windows 10 support by David
Poor Windows 10 support, I cannot download books purchased or in the cloud since upgrade to 10. Additionally, existing books in library (100+) don't format properly in the reader. Both issues have been outstanding for awhile now. Why has this not this been fixed? Thinking Kindle....