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Buggy by Michael
Daily, Monthly and Weekly totals in charts are frequently incorrect. Some don't even have the category name attached. Individual transactions hold up quite well as far as descriptions and dollar amounts. These are stable - it's just the category totals which fluctuate. I can't trust them at a glance and that is a big part of what this app is supposed to be providing. It's not impossible to work with and still easier than most in The Store so I'll keep it. Work the bugs out! This is near perfect.
bad by Ashok Kumar
Why no updates on more currency setting?
Love it by Rebeca
Simple and just what I need to track my finances. Also, there is a typo when you add new items where successfully is spelled wrong in the green pop up box, that's the only reason I gave this a 4-star rating.
Fantastic by Tim
This app makes expense tracking easy! Beautiful, simple interface too.
Needs a little extra by Unknown
Would be nice to edit categories and to change the order of what shows up on the home screen, but overall, a good app for tracking more than one account.
Wow!!! by Rajeesh Chirakkal
Really useful app, my personal finance management made simple. Thank you!!!
won't open by dan
I can't open the app any more, starts to open then reverts back to start page not doing much good all of my info lost in space