OSWindows 10, Windows 10 Mobile
Architecturex86, x64, ARM
OSWindows 10, Windows 10 Mobile
Architecturex86, x64, ARM
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Says Can Be A Wallpaper or Screen Saver But Not How by Adam G.
First off, if you are expecting something exciting think again. Second, it gives no options to be set as a wallpaper, background or screensaver. It doesn't come up as an option either, in fact, there is no menu, about, contact, or anything. It's just an image of the sun that you can watch. Don't bother, there are websites you can do that at.
It worked fine until I donated some money. by Peter
After I paid the owner in order to remove the adds as well as repay him for his efforts, the app hasn't worked since then. I even tired reinstalling it. Nada. It's a nice concept but not functional
trash by Justin
useless demo
Hella cool by D
Hella cool
About Live Sun: SDO
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