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Crashes now, thanks to 2GB specs by chris
The update, while "nice" and full of features is rather useless for what I believe to be a majority of Windows Mobile users with devices running 1GB of RAM. So now we have the 2GB app specification which only causes instability and crashing. Way to go, developers. You're officially stupid. We can't even upgrade our devices anymore because there are no more Windows Mobile manufacturers and even Microsoft abandoned us. So it's incredibly smart of you to create an app which crashes on a majority of the mobile devices and only caters to Lumia 950 users. Retards. Do something useful and make an app that works for the majority of devices out there.
Solid App, Marred by Lack of PC upload, Multi pic Posts by Kareem
It's a well put together app, and has most of the features from Android/IOS. However, the glaring omission of uploading from the PC makes a solid app less appealing. Being able to use my laptop's webcam is nice, but not being able to upload pictures from other sources (such as digital camcorder or camera) is less appealing. Please add that feature, because stories is useless on a pc that can't upload what is produced. Additionally, the bungled multi picture post feature which took ages to rollout to phone users is an absolute mess on Windows 10 PCs. You can see the first picture, but you can not swipe to see the other images, which apparently only works if you have multitouch enabled on your trackpad. If you can't do multitouch, you can't scroll through multi pic or video posts.
Needs Fixing by Sandy
Please make it so that I can upload pictures onto my gallery straight from my desktop. I do digital art as a hobby, and it would make it easier for other users as well. I don't want to have to take too long to transfer a picture via microSD card when the developers have already made a PC version