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Doesn't work by Judy
No one is getting my texts and therefor no responses. I can't believe I paid for it.
Used to be a great app. by David
This used to be a great app and it worked well. It desperately needs some attention now because it's useless and does not startup after it is installed.
No longer working by Felix
App will no longer open; just get spinning balls. Has been like that for the last couple weeks.
works great with google voice. usefull by David
good implementation. like notifications on the computer when calls/messages come in. very windows 8.1 like
horrible app by Eric
you can't delete messages, cant' call (using hangouts launch), all you can do is hear the messages and see them. other than that, microsoft was asleep at the wheel on this app.
What good is it if it won't log in? by Ron
Installed & tried (over & over again) to login. The wheel would spin but do nothing. Explored via settings & found it was failing to log into Google Voice. However, each time I would click on Sign Up it would open my browser window, logged into my Google Voice account. I have a shortcut for that; I thought I was getting an app. I used the link to send an email to support. Their response: we'll get back with you as soon as possible! Don't bother, I'm uninstalling the app!
Will not Launch by Norman
Enter my current account info and it will not launch. Less than 1 star
What is lower than 1 star? by A.M.A.
This app is utterly useless, despite playing around with the app specific settings, and any other of the suggested solutions .... it won't launch and cursor wheel keeps spinning.