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Notifications Missing by Aarrick
Please enable match and goal notifications for windows 10. That would be awesome. Thank you.
Better on Android by John
The app is much more user friendly on the Android platform.
Great app, needs a tweak or two by Robin
League tables need a goal difference column.
Excellent by Vasile
Tried all free soccer apps,Fotmob is the best.
Awesome app but... by Luis
This app is just awesome, the interface is really smooth and clean but there has to be some timezone settings for this app...the android has it so why cant windows, add this feature and I will give 5/5
Nice app by shrikant
I've been using the fotmob app for android and its great. If only you guys could add the fav team/league option.
Excellent App by Mike
I have the pro version on my Galaxy S2 and love it. Add the league news feature like the android version and this would be a 5 star app for me. I went ahead and uninstalled all my other score tracker apps.