OSWindows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 8.1
ArchitectureARM, x86, x64
OSWindows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 8.1
ArchitectureARM, x86, x64
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Not good for my files in deed folder structure by Flemming
I just wanted to play all mu flac files store and shared from my pc. This app can do it, but this way to much work to add all the tracks, which takes forever.
by Phạm
good but not free
Doesn't work well, recommend other apps. by Jeonggyu
Keep crashing and does not load flac files that opened fine in other players. Can you please improve core implementation and user interface?
by Julius
Keeps crashing even after purchase :'(
by Link
Need to purchase to play more than 12 flacs. Purchased version crashes when adding more than 12 flacs. Well then. Patiently awaiting native flac support in W10...
by Alan
Trying to add files, tapping the add button reverts back without opening a file picker. Useless.
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