Faithlife Bible Screen Verse of the Day
Publisher: Faithlife Corporation
( 326 Reviews )
License: Free
OSWindows 10, Windows 8.1
Architecturex86, x64
OSWindows 10, Windows 8.1
Architecturex86, x64
People also like
Almost Perfect! by Ashley
I love this app. It helps me devote more time to important matters rather than let my mind be consumed with foolishness. The only thing that I would change is if I could make this a Desktop Background app instead of a Lock Screen app. That way I could directly enjoy the Verse of the Day as my Wallpaper.
Excellent! by Unknown
Out of all the apps I downloaded from the Store, this is the one I find to be actually useful and inspiring too. What a great idea. Thank you for making this.
The Best Bible Art for FREEEE! by Ben
This is awesome, I get new art everyday on my homescreen. It's beautiful and inspiring. a great start to everyday. This is an excellent addition to the Bible Screen video feed. It helps me keep God's word on my mind.
About Faithlife Bible Screen Verse of the Day
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